Blogging about global concrete industry

100 Year Kun Yay Building

Written by Jillian Turner | May 3, 2012 5:24:16 PM

Wat Phra Dhammmakaya Temple was established in 1970 and since that time the Dhammakaya Movement congregation has swelled. Some temple gatherings were totally over 100,000 attendees. The growing movement needed new larger facilities

When constructing the new temple, the 100 Year Khun Yay Building, the developers realized the need for reliable concrete waterproofing. CLPI Co., Ltd, Kryton’s Thailand distributor, suggested Kryton’s Krystol T1 surface-applied waterproofing solution for the project. After careful evaluation the developers selected Kryton products for the job.

The water and wastewater treatment tanks and the foundation were all waterproofed with Kryton’s, Krystol T1 surface-applied waterproofing treatment. The developers were happy with Krystol T1’s ability to self-seal minor cracks and its resistance to surface wear and abrasion.

Read the full case here.