Blogging about global concrete industry

Concrete Waterproofing Wine Caves in California

Written by Jillian Turner | Jun 14, 2012 4:02:39 PM

Clos de la Tech is an innovative winery built into three manmade caves located on a fifty degree hillside in Woodside, California. Dynamite was used to blast into the rock to create three identical caves that are 90 meters (300 feet) deep and over 6 meters (20 feet) tall. Up to 14,500 cubic meters (19,000 cubic yards) of earth was removed to create a fermentation site, storage space, living space and a bottling site that would hold up to 13,000 cases of wine. As shotcrete was used to construct all three of these caves, traditional membranes were not suitable as a waterproofing solution. For concrete waterproofing these californian wine caves, over 1,800 cubic meters (2,000 cubic yards) of KIM concrete was used in the project.