Blogging about global concrete industry

Price Builders Receives Contractor Award of Excellence

Written by Jason Bryant | May 19, 2015 3:10:10 PM

It has been a little over a year since Price Builders & Developers (PB&D) has been a part of the Kryton distribution team in Ohio. Since then, they’ve worked on many projects in the area, providing new and innovative solutions to concrete waterproofing problems.

Earlier this year, David Price was awarded a Governor’s Award on Martin Luther King Jr. day for all of his work in the Ohio area, both in contracting work and charitable donations. In keeping with the trend of excellence, Price has just been awarded the Harry H. Mellon Award of Excellence in Job Order Contracting.

Named for the inventor of Job Order Contracting, the Harry H. Mellon Award of Excellence is the industry’s highest honor. Repair, alteration and maintenance work – the core of the Job Order Contracting system – is essential for the safe and efficient use of buildings and infrastructure. While essential, the work is not often glamorous and doesn’t receive the attention other awards and industries do.

David Price received the award for his work of the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Truss Replacement project. This work exemplified the outstanding principles and practices in Job Order Contracting that has made Price the dependable presence he is in the industry.

The Kent State University project is the first by PB&D to use KIM.

Further to the Truss replacement project, Price has worked on many others in Ohio, including three that used Kryton product using the same outstanding principles and practices shown on every project:

  1. NaCoMe Dam Repair – This project required Price and his team to fix leaking under the drain pipe, as well as cracks in the concrete in a few different areas. This project also had a tight timeline. Using Kryton’s Crack Repair System, the project was finished on time and to specification.
  2. House Restoration – A few house needed an array of repairs to concrete. Price did so using Krystol Waterstop Grout, Krystol T1 & T2. And Krystol Waterstop Treatment. All cracks and subsequent leaks were fixed and remain fixed.
  3. Kent State University – Kent State University’s new institutional Advancement Building needed a concrete waterproofing solution. The project team used KIM for the lift pits originally but realized KIM would also be a perfect and sustainable solution for the entire foundation. The project is not yet complete, but once it is, it will be waterproofed for the life of the concrete.

PB&D has established itself as the premier contracting company in Ohio. With David Price at the helm, there is no limit to how much success can be achieved.

Congrats again!