Corrosion specifically makes up more than 80% of all damage to reinforced concrete structures, and repairing these structures costs an estimated $300 billion annually in the United States alone.
Experience has shown that the most effective, reliable and economical method of protecting concrete structures is by preventing water from penetrating the concrete. In blocking the ingress of moisture into the concrete, the rebar within is protected from corroding. Therefore, it is vital to have completely watertight reinforced concrete in order to mitigate the risk of corrosion, as well as other destructive damages caused by water.
Impermeable concrete creates a more durable finished product. With durability enhanced, structures have the advantage of longer life spans. Industry leaders world-wide are becoming increasingly more active in working together to develop more durable solutions to concrete construction. Many companies and professionals, Kryton included, are coming together through leading authorities to achieve this common goal. One such resource is the American Concrete Institute (ACI), headquartered out of Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA. ACi is known worldwide for the development and distribution of consensus-based standards, technical resources, educational & training programs, certification programs.
This week, ACI will be hosting their 2016 Spring Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Kryton’s R&D Manager/Concrete Specialist Alireza Biparva will be covering an in-depth presentation to explain how to effectively mitigate the destruction caused by the corrosion of steel within concrete structures.
Date: Tuesday, April 19th, 2016
Time: 10:30-11am
Location: C-Ballroom AB & Foyer.
Speaker: Alireza Biparva
See the full media release here.