CEMEX is a global leader in providing high quality products and reliable service to customers and communities in more than 50 countries, including much of Latin America. They are the leading supplier...
Self-Consolidating Concrete
“Over the past year, I have been approached by designers regarding "waterproofing admixtures" to mitigate floor covering moisture failures. They seem to be silicate based products that "close" the...
American Concrete Institute Writes New Chapter on Permeability Reducing Admixtures
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a non-profit organization devoted to all matters related to concrete. Their extensive documentation and educational programs have made them the go-to resource...
In my last blog post I explored in detail the necessary steps required to prevent cracks from forming in concrete structures. The next step in crack prevention is controlling it. This is accomplished...
It is officially winter and it came early this year. For me, winter officially starts when I receive that first customer complaint of the season about set retardation. “Your product is causing my...