Each and everyday people around the world make important economic decisions in order to be able to continue their daily lives, but something that many people do not know is that is some cases, cheap...
Epoxy Injections: The Ugly Truth
Written by:
Jason Bryant
Epoxy injections can be a 'hit and miss' process.
Krystol Products work to restore an 18th Century Fieldstone Foundation on "This Old House"
Written by:
Sarah Coull
Pictured: Back row: Heating and plumbing expert Richard Trethewey, host Kevin O'Connor, master carpenter Norm Abram. Front row: General contractor Tom Silva, landscape contractor Roger Cook. Photo:...
Kryton & The Vancouver Giants
Written by:
Jillian Turner
Last Friday a group of Krytonites took in a Vancouver Giants game. Although Vancouver lost 2-6 to the Kelowna Rockets a fun time was had by all at the Giants final home game of the season. It was...
Hydrophobic VS Hydrophilic
Written by:
Sarah Coull
Most concrete structures are designed such that the water is intended to stay put – either on the inside, like with a reservoir, or on the outside, as with a basement. Similar to a sponge, concrete...
Sneaky Grains of Salt can wreak havoc
Written by:
Sarah Coull
Tiny hairline cracks are inevitable when creating a new concrete structure. It’s the nature of the environment: the earth, and therefore the foundation, will probably move a little. So how do we plan...