Standing Strong – Corrosion Resistant Iron still a Marvel

Kryton's Rolf Skala and Kryton India's Anandita Kakkar stand along side the Iron Pillar of Delhi - a symbol of strength that has lasted for over two thousand years.
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UBC Team take "The Voyageur" to International Level

Once again, Kryton was proud to sponsor University of British Columbia Engineering Student’s concrete canoe. For the second year in a row, the students have participated in this International event...

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Ingredients for the Perfect Business Relationship

Much is being made about ‘Social Media Marketing’ as if it’s some kind of magic bullet in the ‘digital web cyber world’ which will solve everything…it won’t.

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Keeping Suspended Pools Afloat

Architect Roberto Newbill, member of Oakland Garden Condo Residential Strata in Guatemala City, explains his experience with a persistent concrete leakage problem.

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