At Kryton each team member and distributor has highly specialized expertise - when we combine all that knowledge, we are able to better provide our customers with the world’s most durable concrete...
What’s New with ACI 212?
Recently, the American Concrete Institute (ACI) published a revised 212.3R document in which changes to Chapter 15 were made.
Concrete Symposium in Jordan
Kryton’s state-of-the-art Research Center is always endeavouring to develop new and improved methods and technologies in order to create more durable concrete structures around the world. Currently,...
Concerns with Cold Weather Concreting
Like the warm weather that has come and gone, cold weather brings a set of challenges to the concrete industry that must be accounted for to ensure a strong, durable structure. The speed at which...
Canada and the European Union (EU) signed a historic trade agreement during the EU-Canada summit on Sunday in Brussels, Belgium.
Not only is the construction industry growing, but it is also evolving at the same time. From better building practices to the advent of better products, the landscape of what and how a structure can...