Do blind walls have you backed into a corner?

If your project includes one or more blind walls,  Kryton’s Krystol Concrete Waterproofing Systems can eliminate the challenges associated with such applications.

Krystol systems provide a convenient, cost-effective and permanent waterproofing solution. Available as an admixture (Krystol Internal Membrane – or KIM) or as a cementitious surface treatment (Krystol T1 & T2), Kryton’s crystalline waterproofing technology is the answer when you don’t have the room, the time or the budget to install traditional waterproofing membranes.

Incorporating KIM at the planning stage eliminates the need to leave room outside the structure for membrane application. Architects and Owners can take full advantage of available space by building right to the property line.

Contractors save time, money and aggravation by eliminating a sub-trade normally required to install a membrane system. Simply add KIM directly to ready-mix truck to seal and permanently waterproof the structure. If your concrete is already poured, apply Krystol T1 & T2 surface treatment to the inside of the structure to solve waterproofing challenges.

Along with solving the space challenges related to blind wall applications, Krystol systems save time and money by eliminating the labor and materials required to apply external membranes. There’s no waiting around: backfilling can begin as soon as the concrete is set.

Krystol concrete waterproofing systems are permanent solutions that will not deteriorate over the life of the structure. Their unique ability to react with the presence of water to self-seal hairline cracks that inevitably occur means reduced maintenance and repair costs over the life of your structure.

Written by Jillian Turner

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