Ingredients for the Perfect Business Relationship

Much is being made about ‘Social Media Marketing’ as if it’s some kind of magic bullet in the ‘digital web cyber world’ which will solve everything…it won’t.

As human beings we’re not some sort of digital automaton or emotionless cyborg. We’re creatures of habit, humor and social engagement and we like analogue as much as digital interaction. That’s why our Kryton 40th Anniversary Party was a great success. This past September we invited over 200 of our friends and customers to our Vancouver office to enjoy music, food and drink together with dedicated tours of our office and concrete waterproofing lab facilities. Eye contact and human interaction, the ability to share a story and connect on that human level is essential in our day-to-day business relationships.

For those times we can’t meet face to face we engage with digital social media – but we still do it with human relevance. Last month we we’re featured in BtoB Strategy Magazine as being at the forefront of using video and relevant content…you can find the article here.


In the article, I say that “video material is another way of strengthening relationships and getting the customers more emotionally invested”. It should be noted that all materials must be relevant to the where and who is consuming the information. Hence we must always be sensitive as to how the material will be consumed. Always ask yourself if the material is more likely to be consumed in a digital or analogue environment?

In other words, while we continue to value and grow our social media presence and connections via this Blog, an amusing Stickman video or relevant Testimonial Video distributed amongst a myriad of social platforms,  sometimes it’s good to share the message over a drink, face to face during an Anniversary Party… it’s all about variety and building lasting relationships.

Cheers to you and looking forward to the next 40 years!

Rolf Skala,
Director of Marketing | Kryton International Inc.

Written by Rolf Skala

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