Harper Signs Off on Kryton Agreement

PM HarperAs many of us know, surely because of my blog last week, the Prime Minister of Canada is travelling through China to promote the business relationships between the two countries.

China has the second largest economy in the world, trailing only the United States, which makes the country an important strategic partner for Canadian business, and in particular the manufacturing industry. As explained in a blog last week, this is what the Canada-China Business Council (CCBC) is set up for, which hosted the event last Saturday in Beijing for PM Stephen Harper and a select few manufacturing companies to partake in.

One of the companies involved was Kryton International Inc., represented by China’s Regional Manager, Helen Qiao. PM Harper was there to witness the signing of the agreement between Beijing Maple Real-Estate Company Ltd. and Kryton for the use of our environmentally friendly waterproof concrete technology and other products for the company’s development projects.

In fact, the agreement is also significant in that China and the United States pledged on Wednesday to reduce adverse effects on the environment by using the materials that promote the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. Kryton’s Krystol products help the environment by reducing site disturbance, eliminating the need for non-recyclable surface applied membrane and the waste that comes with it, and by contributing to the overall durability and life expectancy of a concrete structure by stopping corrosion, increasing freeze/thaw ability, and protecting against chemical attack.

PM Harper also witnessed many other agreements, which are valued at over $2.5 billion and could bring 2,000 new jobs to the Canadian market. You can read the full story in an article released on the Prime Minister’s website.

Written by Jason Bryant

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