Record Breaking Year celebrated with whole company heading to Mexico!

2014 was a record-breaking year for Kryton International Inc., and to celebrate the success every Kryton staff member world-wide will be basking in the sun-drenched beaches of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in April. The company IMG_0426will be taking all global staff on an all-inclusive trip to Mexico. Kryton staff from offices in China, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, United Kingdom, and Texas will be flown into Vancouver and then on to Mexico together.

President and CEO, Kari Yuers believes whole heartedly in the importance of teamwork, through recognition of every employee in the company, regardless of position or location. “2014 was the best year we've ever had in Kryton's 42-year history,” Yuers says. “The credit for this tremendous success goes to every single Krytonite from across the globe.”

Inspiring employees toward a common goal is never easy. In many cases, with the vast diversity of individuals acting together for a common goal is viewed far differently from person to person. One of the mechanisms involved is building teamwork, which has proven to grow the bottom line and attract and retain great employees. Evidence of this teamwork and inclusiveness is seen with this record year, as well as being named one of the best places to work for in British Columbia four years in a row.

Everyone Kryton's 2014 Mini-Olympics!

“I am extremely proud of the teamwork shown on a daily basis here in Vancouver, as well as those working in our international market,” Yuers says. “Our Chief Fun Officer (CFO), Bonna Banaag, has done an exceptional job in bringing everyone together throughout the year, organizing monthly social events."

A goal was set at the beginning of 2014 which was to result in an all-inclusive trip to Mexico if achieved. With weeks to go until year end, the goal was realized. Krytonites world-wide will be sipping on margaritas and celebrating a successful year as a team in Mexico. Profit sharing has also always been a constant for Kryton, which is augmented further with a Social Committee that plans exciting company inclusive events like river rafting and the Kryton Mini-Olympics, as well as celebrations of global holidays, embracing the diversity within.


Written by Jason Bryant

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