A Mega-Drought Risk

Dry earth The American south-west and central plains could be on course for super-droughts.

Climate change can be seen across the globe almost every day and certainly during the intense winter and summer months, with the highest highs and lowest lows. Dangerous floods that are occurring more and more throughout the world need to be prepared and planned for. If not, the damage from any climate induced disaster can cost billions and further, even cost the lives of citizens.

One of these climate change issues can also be seen with drought. According to a BBC story from Science Correspondent, Jonathan Amos, the American south-west and central plains could be facing droughts the like of which have not been experienced in 1,000 years.

The article goes on to state that the causes are reduced precipitation and increased evaporation - driven by higher temperatures. Both of these causes lead towards the overarching issue of climate change and global warming. It isn't just the United States, it’s global and real. If this issue is left unmitigated, these drought proclamations will become reality.

Focusing on decreasing the harm and further, increasing the good to the planet by using technologies focusing on durable and sustainable solutions is an initial step in limiting a future with a mega-drought epidemic.

Here is the article from the BBC - http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-31434030

Written by Jason Bryant

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