New Edition of Krystol Magazine

krystol-magazine-1The new edition of the Krystol Magazine is out and ready for consumption. This is the most innovative issue of the magazine, bringing in experts in their field to discuss different aspects of building better, more durable structures.

In this issue, the editor was able to sit down with world-renowned Bridge Architect, Donald MacDonald, FAIA. Not only has he designed some of the most breathtaking and iconic bridges in the United States, but he has also celebrated the works with three different books. MacDonald discusses how to build structures that brand a community from an architectural point of view. As he was the architect who designed the east span of the Bay Bridge that connects San Francisco and Oakland, he brings insight on structures adopted with pride by a community. Of course, the Bay Bridge is iconic in Oakland insofar as it serves as the logo for the Golden State Warriors of the NBA. MacDonald talks about this and more in the magazine.

The feature of the magazine is about the global need for durable infrastructure. Kryton’s Vice-President of Product Development, Kevin Yuers talks krystol-magazine-2about the state of infrastructure in the world, highlighting the monetary importance of building durable structures to ensure they have a long lifespan. Noted in the article is the need for new thinking and innovative systems to deter the threat of water infiltration in concrete structures. Traditional methods are not living up to 21st century standards. A change to build better is required before the situation gets any dire than it already is.

Also in the magazine is an article on the Canadian Trade Commission, the growth of shotcrete structures, and constructability & the process of building better. Finally, an update on new innovations for concrete evidenced in the partnership between Kryton and the University of Victoria is summarized.

To read the articles in full, please do so here, and feel free to leave a comment to this blog on what you thought of the magazine. If you haven’t already signed up to receive the magazine as soon as it comes out, please do so by filling out the form.

Written by Jason Bryant

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