Kryton Gives to BC Children's for the Holidays

Kryton International Inc.’s President & CEO, Kari Yuers presented BC Children’s Hospital Foundation’s Philanthropy Officer, Alison Hepworth with a cheque for over $6,000 from the Kryton team.

Every year, Kryton’s head office in Vancouver, Canada step-up and donate to a worthy cause. For 2016, Kryton employees decided to donate funds to the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. Kryton President & CEO, Kari Yuers takes pride in how the office rallies to donate during this time of year.

“Every year Krytonites collectively donate to a cause we all feel passionate about,” Yuers says. “We’re all extremely proud of the work of the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation and the real benefit it provides to the wider community in BC.”

BC Children’s Hospital Foundation works with children, families, caregivers, and hundreds of thousands of British Columbians to raise funds to support BC Children’s Hospital, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children and the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute. Through a wide range of fundraising events and opportunities, BC Children's Hospital Foundation is united with its donors by a single, simple passion - to improve the health and the lives of the young people who are cared for by BC Children's Hospital every day.

Kryton’s Chief Fun Officer, Bonna Bonaag was once again at the heart of it all, organizing fun events throughout November/December to fire up the giving nature within the company. Events like a hot dog sale, bake sales, huge spaghetti lunch, and a number of games geared at donating funds. However, the main challenge put forth every year is who will donate more money: men or women. This gender challenge has the winner serenaded with a Christmas Carol by the losing team at the annual Christmas party.

As it is seemingly becoming tradition, the women pulled out the victory, narrowly edging out the men in generosity. This year, the women were serenaded with one of the better versions of ‘Jingle Bells’ performed at a Christmas party anywhere.  Regardless, the real winners are the children who will benefit from Kryton’s $6,887.70 donation.

Written by Jason Bryant

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