Training: A Kryton Value

At Kryton each team member and distributor has highly specialized expertise - when we combine all that knowledge, we are able to better provide our customers with the world’s most durable concrete solutions. Kryton staff and distributors need to be experts on use of Krystol Technology in our complete waterproofing system, covering every detail when it comes to keeping concrete water tight. To ensure we are all sharing the same knowledge and best practices, a new training program was developed.

The Kryton Authorized Distributor Onboarding (KADO) program has been designed to enhance the collective ability to provide value to customers around the world – able to respond to their needs with concrete waterproofing expertise and advanced knowledge of Kryton’s products and values. This week-long training is facilitated by our in-house training specialist at our head office in Vancouver.

Investing in this type of intensive training for staff and distributors means each participant leaves with the same wealth of knowledge of Kryton’s concrete waterproofing solutions and what sets us apart from the competition. For example, participants are not only educated that the Kryton Internal Membrane is the best performing crystalline admixture, it is shown how we prove these performance advantages:

  • Highest level of permeability reduction
  • Most dependable self-sealing performance
  • Best shrinkage and restrained shrinkage cracking reduction
  • Only one proven to protect against corrosion

This intensive training program equips distributors, new and old, with new tools and knowledge built on Kryton’s project-by-project and market-by-market successes. As the inventor of the crystalline waterproofing admixture, we have the most experience, and we love to share what we have learned over the last 40-plus years. Kryton’s distributors and staff then use this knowledge to better serve customers and provide best-in-class waterproofing solutions.

The next KADO event will take place October 23rd to 27th. To find out more contact your local Territory Manager. To learn more about becoming a Kryton Authorized Distributor, click here.

Written by Nanette van Doorn

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