Concrete Casks for Fermenting Wine

Concrete casks for fermenting and curing wine have been used for centuries, but the concrete barrels went out of fashion as stainless steel casks, which are easier to regulate and clean, became more...

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Montreal's Weather Forecast: Cloudy with a Chance of Concrete

As like many parts of the world, aging infrastructure is a concern for the city leaders in Montreal, Canada. As parts of the city deteriorate, there are reports of infrastructure that literally have...

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Back to School: Integral Crystalline Waterproofing

In honor of the back to school season, we here at Kryton wanted to share some education of our own with our readers! As you know may know, integral crystalline waterproofing is considered a new...

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Industry Profile: Donald MacDonald

Donald MacDonald of MacDonald Architects is an industry titan that has worked on some of the most impressives bridges in the United States. Currently, his most exciting project would be the Bay...

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Industry Feature: David Taguchi, JRS Engineering Ltd.

Name and occupation/company: David Taguchi, Project Manager/Roofing Services Manager - Calgary; JRS Engineering Ltd.

Have you worked with Kryton previously? The majority of experiences with Kryton...

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Storm Water Management in New Orleans

Half of New Orleans is located below sea level. When water enters the area, the only way to remove it is with pumps. But what happens when the pumps fail? Water collects at ground level creating...

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The Value of ACI Membership

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