Port cities are often threatened by rising sea levels, storm surges and damaging winds. Sometimes these events are predicted, but cities are often caught unprepared. When constructing infrastructure,...
South and Central America is one of the most promising regions in the world for economic growth, it is predicted that the area will become the world construction leader in the next five years.
Krystol Products work to restore an 18th Century Fieldstone Foundation on "This Old House"
Written by:
Sarah Coull
Pictured: Back row: Heating and plumbing expert Richard Trethewey, host Kevin O'Connor, master carpenter Norm Abram. Front row: General contractor Tom Silva, landscape contractor Roger Cook. Photo:...
Top Five Industry Associations
Written by:
Sarah Coull
Kryton's President and CEO Kari Yuers speaking at the American Concrete Institute (ACI) booth at World of Concrete 2014.
Housing Tianjin's Fortune 500 Companies
Written by:
Sarah Coull
The Fujian Mansion tower soars 28-stories in the heart of Tianjin’s lively business district.
Ask A Kryton Expert – Water: Less is More
Written by:
Jeff Bowman
Drying shrinkage is one of the main factors that can cause concrete to crack.
Concrete is a durable material. The durability of concrete is defined by the ability of concrete to resist weathering action, and chemical attack while maintaining it’s desired, engineering...