Kryton's Crystalline Admixture and Design Flexibility

Flexibility in building design is a sought after commodity for those tasked with the construction of our structural landscape. Choosing the right building materials and products can allow architects...

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Pitfalls in Elevator Construction

I do not need to explain the importance of elevators, especially for those of you that work on the 78th floor of a 100-storey building. Nor do I have to explain the overwhelming sense of despair one...

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Kryton Demonstrating Crystalline Leak Repair at UVIC

Kryton Research & Development Manager, Alireza Biparva, M.A.Sc. will be providing Concrete Leak Repair training hosted by Dr. Rishi Gupta at the University of Victoria on Friday, July 15th, 2016.

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Monterrey's Line 3 Subway Connects Growing Population

Transportation is of the utmost importance in any growing populous across the world. Growing cities and populations need to be mobile across a region in a responsible manner, expanding local...

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Rising Florida Construction Market Offers New Opportunities

The inaugural Miacon (Miami Construction Show) went down last week with international attendees from 43 countries throughout the Caribbean, South and Central America, and Southeast US. As a hands-on...

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Concrete Canoes - How UBC's Civil Engineering Students are Gaining an Edge

Members of UBC's Concrete Canoe Team in the Kryton lab. From left: Daniel Lim, Talita Galvai, Matthew Cheung, Daniel Vandervelden and Flynn Dixon Murdock with Kryton's R&D Manager Ali Biparva,...
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5 Ways Water Attacks Concrete Structures

Any concrete structure that is in close proximity with water faces a myriad of life shortening processes. Reinforced concrete infrastructure, found in marine environments, commonly face reduced life...

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Mitigating Corrosion on the Dead Sea

Walk straight out into the water and just lean back.

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