Product Development: Step 3 – Playing in the Lab

Finally, we get to the fun part. In the first two steps, we talked about coming up with a new product idea and then building a business case in support of it. It’s a lot of market research and...

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Product Development: Step 2 – The Business Case

Last week we talked about the first step in developing a new product – coming up with a new product idea. Sometimes fun, often the most difficult and frequently a result of a customer expressing a...

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Product Development in 5 Easy Steps

Ok, right off the top I’ll point out that the title of this week’s blog is supposed to be funny. In my experience, there is nothing easy about product development.

Where I work, we have a very long...

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Gulf Cooperation Council economically resurgent

- by Staff Writer, Concrete Thoughts, Kryton International

According to a recent report by the Institute of International Finance (IIF), the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) composed of Saudi Arabia,...

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Concrete waterproofing blog takes practical approach

Welcome to Kryton’s new Concrete Waterproofing blog. Here you’ll learn about the latest issues in the concrete industry from a practical point of view. We know that every project has challenges – no...

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