Like the warm weather that has come and gone, cold weather brings a set of challenges to the concrete industry that must be accounted for to ensure a strong, durable structure. The speed at which...
Flexibility in building design is a sought after commodity for those tasked with the construction of our structural landscape. Choosing the right building materials and products can allow architects...
Pitfalls in Elevator Construction
I do not need to explain the importance of elevators, especially for those of you that work on the 78th floor of a 100-storey building. Nor do I have to explain the overwhelming sense of despair one...
As one of the oldest and largest businesses operating on Granville Island, Ocean Concrete will be hosting its 18th annual Ocean Concrete Open House on Saturday, April 30th. Join one of Vancouver’s...
- Members of UBC's Concrete Canoe Team in the Kryton lab. From left: Daniel Lim, Talita Galvai, Matthew Cheung, Daniel Vandervelden and Flynn Dixon Murdock with Kryton's R&D Manager Ali Biparva,...
5 Ways Water Attacks Concrete Structures
Any concrete structure that is in close proximity with water faces a myriad of life shortening processes. Reinforced concrete infrastructure, found in marine environments, commonly face reduced life...
Mitigating Corrosion on the Dead Sea
Walk straight out into the water and just lean back.
The development of new infrastructure in Canada has been gaining momentum in recent years, with politicians exhibiting more confidence when making statements surrounding future growth projects. This...