New Innovations: Translucent Concrete

Image Source: TOZIER

With technology improving at a rapid pace, we are seeing new advancements in concrete every day. Concrete is conventionally dull. It is a solid grey mass that in its best, is shaped into round columns or unique shapes. It is a building material that is chosen for its durability and strength. However,  new advancements in composite materials have created eye-catching spectacles that are also green.

Image Source: Dornob

One such innovative composite is LiTraCon’s light transmitting concrete; it takes one of our most reliable building materials and embeds thousands of optical fibers within it, creating the effect of translucent concrete. As another method of harnessing natural light, possibilities are abounding with regards to aesthetics and design. The ability to introduce subtle natural lighting while maintaining privacy provides large environmental benefits in addition to its aesthetic ones, including reducing the cost of heating and lighting.

Written by Alex Emlyn

Alexandra Emlyn, Director of R&D/Tech Services at Kryton International Inc. Alex received her B Sc. in Chemistry from the University of British Columbia. She spent 18 years as a Scientist and Technical Director in the wood product industry working for MacMillan Bloedel, Weyerhaeuser, and Bayer Corp before moving over in to the field of concrete and advanced waterproofing technology with the Kryton team.

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