Ensenada International Terminal Grain Tunnel

The Ensenada International Terminal is a maritime terminal that handles cargo and containers from around the world. It is also responsible for loading, receiving, stockpiling and protecting grain. In 2008, the Ensenada Port Authority added a below grade concrete tunnel to house a belt transportation system to the terminal as well as a new grain silo to supplement its grain loading system.
Due to the terminal’s location on the Pacific Coast, withstanding hydrostatic pressure and keeping the concrete – and grain – dry was essential. Any water leakage could ruin entire containers of grain, costing the Port Authority thousands of dollars.

The terminal’s owners turned to Kryton for help. Kryton used its flagship product, Krystol Internal Membrane, to waterproof the concrete as well as the Krystol Waterstop System for joints and Krystol Crack Repair System for crack repair. The project was completed in 2009. Read the full case here.