Water Penetration Vulnerabilities - Future Flood probabilities around the World

As we continue to hear about Global Warming, and the increase in water related damage to cities and areas around the world, the immediate reaction is to want to do something. The second reaction is usually to resolve to reduce, reuse, and recycle in our daily lives.

Global Warming related or not – a flood is a flood! In order to gain full insight into the realities of our ever-changing planet, staying up to date with the new tools, research and reports that are developed by institutions around the world, can help you to know what you can do to protect yourself from flooding in your area. Use this interactive flood map by entering in any number of inches  – the map will show what areas would be flooded or at risk and the left side bar will display the number of people displaced.

Water level rise 2013Where do we stand in 2013? According to this article by RealClimate.org, Scientists have made progress in recent years in understanding the observed past sea-level rise, which can best predict where we stand in the future. To understand how much Global Warming is affecting us, we need to have a basis of what is “normal” for our planet. Since 2007, many comprehensive reports have come out using new research to provide more accurate insight into how our planet naturally evolves.

Using Kryton’s Integral Concrete Waterproofing products, such as Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) (Crystalline Admixture), or Krystol T1 & T2 (Crystalline Surface Applied System), will protect your below grade or above grade concrete structure from water penetration permanently. KIM is also only admixture that demonstrates the performance of a hydrophilic crystalline. KIM provides the highest level of water resistance, self-sealing and field-proven longevity, which proves its effectiveness as a Permeability Reducing Admixture for Hydrostatic Conditions (PRAH).

Written by Sarah Coull

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