Call for Sustainable Investment in Zambia

Kryton has many distributors around the world, and we strive to keep up with economic changes and infrastructure initiatives around the world. There has been some buzz around the strong economic growth of the African country of Zambia, and their recent call for sustainable investment.

At the end of 2012, the World Bank released a report titled “Zambia Economic Brief: Recent Economic Developments and the State of Basic Human Opportunities for Children”. This report focuses on Zambia’s continued robust growth, fiscal outcomes, and capital inflows at the end of 2012 against the backdrop of the performance of other Sub-Saharan and global economies.

The report finds that opportunities for social, economic and political success in the country are often based on a child’s predetermined circumstances such as gender, ethnicity, place of birth, and family origins. Due to these finding, the report urges an increase in investments in lagging regions, particularly in infrastructure services such as drinking water, sanitation and electricity.

Providing sustainable construction materials to these areas is important in ensuring the stability and growth of these regions. Materials which last the lifetime of the structure, need minimal repairs or replacement, and work to protect the integrity to the structure. Using materials which can be easily recyled is also incredibly important in the future growth of these communities.

At the official opening session of the 9th CII-EXIM BANK Conclave on India-Africa Project Partnership, Zambia’s Vice Zambia India ConferencePresident Dr. Guy Scott presented a special address, observing that the strength of an economy combined with various other economic such as family business, long term investments and innovation have proved fair and sustainable economic performance in countries such as India. Dr Scott expressed his optimism that the promotion of long term investments in Africa, like India will breed economic transformation.

He also cautioned the Indian investors that it was important for the two continents to take into account the agreements that were embraced for purposes of enhancing investments without making unnecessary surprises. In recent years, Zambia has proven to have made some strides to improve the ease of doing business.

Meanwhile Confederation of Indian Industry president Adi Godreji said technology and sustainable management of the two continent's natural resources were key in attaining effective partnership in development.

Written by Sarah Coull

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