Kryton in Malaysia

Structural Repairs_Kryton_MalaysiaRecently, our sub-distributor in Malaysia, Structural Repairs (EM) Sdn Bhd attended a tradeshow in Kuching, promoting Kryton products. Structural Repairs was formed in 2009 with the aim of promoting the concept of quality control in the construction industry and providing solutions to effectively repair and restore existing structure. Since 2009, they have used Kryton’s concrete waterproofing products in such projects as the Crematorium and the Batu Kitang Water Treatment Plant both in Batu Kitang, Kuching, as well as a Blessed Church in Kuching.

The company’s activities include engineering assessments/condition appraisals, providing materials specification and method statements, project implementation and management. Their organization consists of engineers and skilled workers which
provide the required expertise in the construction industry. Structural Repair_Kuching_Malaysia

Written by Sarah Coull

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