International Forum Opens Doors for the Future of Concrete

American Concrete Institute International ForumConcrete has been around in different forms for thousands of years, but the last few decades have shown new innovation and technologies to improve concrete’s versatility and durability. With so much successful concrete construction, it makes me wonder about what we can do within the global concrete community network to help share the accumulated knowledge of the industry.

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) recently held its Spring Convention in Minneapolis, MN. In recognizing the need for more collaboration and international communication, a change in structure helped provide a new opportunity for the sharing and development of ideas on an international level. This first ACI International Forum presented an opportunity for International Partner organizations and representatives from some of the world’s foremost concrete-related organizations to do just that.

The inaugural forum was very successful in generating a lot of interest, with standing room only. ACI holds conventions twice a year, and these forums are expected to keep the conversation going with fresh, relevant dialog from all corners of the globe. A list of ACI partner organizations can be found on the ACI website at:

Collaborations are not always easy, but they can be incredibly worthwhile. Having this dialog is critical to advancing the awareness of the global needs of the concrete industry and enhancing the relationships within the support network. So what are the most important things the global concrete industry needs to discuss and share? How can ACI help facilitate these discussions?

The next forum with be at the Fall ACI Convention in Phoenix, and will be chaired by Senior Vice-President William E. Rushing Jr.

Written by Kari Yuers

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