New GB Standard to Launch in China

On July 3-4, our Kryton China team attended an successful event on Crystalline Concrete Waterproofing.

This event outlined the new Chinese national standard GB 18445-2012, which is the very first national
standard for crystalline concrete waterproofing. GB standards (or Guobiao Standards) are the Chinese national standards issued by the Standardization Administration of China (SAC), the Chinese National Committee of the ISO and IEC, background, goals and the amendment process.Helen Qiao

Creating a new standard for crystalline concrete waterproofing within China is a huge step towards ensuring the quality within the industry is upheld. The whole process of creating these new standards took 5 years to complete.

Helen Qiao, Regional Manager of Kryton China, spoke to the events attendees, and shared Kryton’s 40 years of success within the crystalline concrete waterproofing industry. The new standard GB 18445-2012 is approved to launch, and will become the national standard to be made live beginning in November, 2013.Kryton China Team

Written by Sarah Coull

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