New York - One Year After Hurricane Sandy

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After Superstorm Sandy took her toll on New York City, billions of dollars for rebuilding efforts came in from the federal government.  The mandate was that a smarter and more resilient city would be rebuilt. But a year later – is the city any less vulnerable then it was on October 22, 2012?

A forum sponsored by Kryton distributor Dry Concrete in New England, and hosted by Crains New York Business, gathered on Monday October 28th. The discussion brought key political and business leaders together, to look at the progress that has been made, lessons that have been learned, and share upcoming policy changes and new projects on the horizon.

Dry Concrete_New EnglandThe speakers gave excellent speeches and presentations, including an impassioned speech by the keynote speaker Howard Glaser, Director of State Operations and Senior Policy Advisor to the Governor.

Attendees included Cas Holloway, Deputy Mayor of New York City, as well as the Chief of Operations for the Government of NY State

Greg Maugeri and Bill Delasorte, from  Dry Concrete, discussed a recent waterproofing project they completed in a flooded building in Manhattan with many of the attendees.  See the project here.

Written by Sarah Coull

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