World of Concrete 2017 is just over a month away and Kryton is excited to be exhibiting once again this year. World of Concrete has always been the unofficial kick-off for the year and Kryton has big plans heading into 2017.
Kryton has made some changes to our booth with an increased focus on new products that are proving to be successful, allowing structures to be built more durably than ever before. Kryton will be showcasing the large concrete column, but focusing on providing one-of-a-kind experience for tradeshow attendees.
At this year’s show, Kryton will also be featuring the Krystol Leak Repair System. The World of Concrete has always been rich with contractors looking for simple and cost-effective solutions for repairing leaking cracks, holes, and joints found in concrete. To cater to these needs the simplified Krystol Leak Repair System has been bundled together in a ‘kit’ with step-by-step technical instructions for ease of use. In fact, Kryton will be featuring a ‘show special’ during World of Concrete 2017. The Leak Repair Kit will be available at the Show Special Price! Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!
In order to allow contractors to see how simple and easy it is to repair concrete leaks, Kryton will also be transporting you to a real job-site, virtually. Through the power of Virtual Reality, Kryton is immersing you in the leak repair process, allowing you to realize firsthand the features of our leak repair system, which include:
- Permanently repairing leaking cracks
- Saving time and money
- Simple and easy installation process
For a quick overview of the Leak Repair System, have a look at our Stickman leak repair video here.

This year will also feature the best waterstop on the market, Krytonite Swelling Waterstop. Specifically, Kryton will be showcasing its unmatched swelling ability at the Krytonite display and how it performs against the competition. In fact, Krytonite has superior swelling pressure and performance that is proven to stop water better than bentonite and other competing swelling waterstops. Kryton’s Vice President of Product Development, Kevin Yuers will be holding a media conference on January 18th, 2017 from 11-12pm in Press Room N251 to provide in-depth details about Krytonite.
As has become tradition, Kryton will once again be hosting happy hour from 2-3pm from January 17-19th at our booth, S11215 located in the South Hall. Please stop by, have a refreshing (free) beverage and meet the Kryton World of Concrete team.
The Kryton team looks forward to seeing you all there!