Are We Ready for Smart Cities?

A smart city is a developed urban area using ‘digital technology to enhance performance and well-being, to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage more effectively and actively with its...

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The Concrete Freeze/Thaw Cycle

The weather out here in Vancouver and the lower mainland is quite fantastic – I hiked in shorts and a t-shirt last weekend. Unfortunately, many places across the world are not experiencing such...

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World of Concrete - India

The internationally renowned and highly attended show, World of Concrete, Las Vegas, has year after year given a platform for the industry to introduce and share the latest in the construction...

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A Mega-Drought Risk

The American south-west and central plains could be on course for super-droughts.
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BCBEC Half-Day Workshop

The Building Envelope has made the headlines a time or two here in British Columbia; unfortunately, on most occasions, for negative reasons. The fallout from the leaky condo situation of the 80’s and...

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David Price Recognized with Governor’s Humanitarian Award

Kryton prides itself on partnering with the best distributors possible. In finding the best distributors, we are looking at the people behind the company and what they believe in and how they act as...

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World of Concrete Day One Recap

The 2015 edition of World of Concrete took off with a bang. It all started with excited attendees cramming into the Las Vegas Convention Center to see the 1,400+ exhibits meticulously erected to...

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New Product - Krytonite Swelling Waterstop

The lifespan of concrete structures is vital now more than ever.

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UBC CSCE Industry Night!

UBC CSCE is the student chapter of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia. UBC CSCE empowers students to realize their potential and career opportunities by...

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