Effective Crack Prevention, Control and Repair Part 1

There are three things that you can do about cracks: prevent, control or repair them. In our three-part series on Effective Crack Prevention, Control and Repair we look at the aforementioned three...

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Joints Series #3 – Joint Waterproofing Options

This is number three in a series of three posts on joints. Check out yesterday’s Addressing Joint Vulnerability and Tuesday’s post on Types of Joints.

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Joints Series #2 – Addressing Joint Vulnerability

This is number two in a series of three posts on joints. Check out yesterday’s here.

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Joints Series #1 – Types of Joints

It has been said that there are two types of concrete – concrete that has cracked and concrete that is about to crack. As Kryton is the only integral waterproofing company that has a fully integrated...

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Recycling Concrete

Traditionally, concrete that had reached the end of its lifespan was disposed of in landfills. A new trend has emerged that finds concrete aggregate being recycled via crushing machines and reused...

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The Importance of Surface Preparation

Surface preparation is a series of steps that are taken to prepare the concrete for further use. It removes all existing aggregates and creates a dirt, dust, and oil free surface that is dry and...

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Preventing Concrete Corrosion

Deteriorating concrete structures are a major problem around the world. Largely attributed to the corrosion of steel reinforcement, concrete structures built to last 50 to 100 years routinely need...

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CSC Conference 2012

Last week our team was a gold sponsor of the 2012 CSC Conference held in our beautiful capital, Ottawa, the annual show was put on by Construction Specifications Canada.

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All about Curing

Kryton’s Krystol Internal Membrane or KIM concrete waterproofing admixture improves the internal cure of concrete. However, KIM is not a replacement for proper curing procedures.

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