Storm Water Management in New Orleans

Half of New Orleans is located below sea level. When water enters the area, the only way to remove it is with pumps. But what happens when the pumps fail? Water collects at ground level creating...

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The Value of ACI Membership

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The Unsung Heroes of the Jobsites: Testers

Here is a thought for general contractors:

How do you accommodate testers on your jobsite?

Understandably, when you are managing several moving components of a high-stakes project, the comfort of...

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Who Really Wants Waterproof Concrete Anyway?

At Kryton, we make concrete waterproofing products. More than that, we make concrete waterproof. But who really cares if their concrete is waterproof? Most concrete manufacturers will tell you that...

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Mitigating floor moisture failures with waterproofing admixtures

“Over the past year, I have been approached by designers regarding "waterproofing admixtures" to mitigate floor covering moisture failures. They seem to be silicate based products that "close" the...

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American Concrete Institute Writes New Chapter on Permeability Reducing Admixtures

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a non-profit organization devoted to all matters related to concrete. Their extensive documentation and educational programs have made them the go-to resource...

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How to repair a leaking crack

If you’ve followed the necessary steps to prevent cracks from forming in concrete structures and how to control them and are unsuccessful, you may be faced with a leak that requires repair. The...

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Gulf Cooperation Council economically resurgent

- by Staff Writer, Concrete Thoughts, Kryton International

According to a recent report by the Institute of International Finance (IIF), the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) composed of Saudi Arabia,...

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A tale of two earthquakes

It’s often said that earthquakes don’t kill people, buildings do.A tragic example of this took place earlier this year. On January 12th Haiti was rocked by an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter...

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