Facing a Flash Flood – How to Prepare your Basement

Flash flood disasters happen with little or no warning, and can change the landscape of a city in less than 30 minutes. Between June 1st and July 10th 2013, we have seen the horrifying results of...

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MBS: A Slice of Hotel Evolution

This summer, the Vancouver Art Gallery is featuring an exhibit called Grand Hotel: Redesigning Modern Life. The exhibit charts the evolution of the MGM Grand Hotel from an isolated and utilitarian...

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Waterproofing Underground Mansions

With a population of over 8.17 million people, the city of London, England continues to grow. The most recent census, released in 2012, reported a population increase of 12% over the past 10 years....

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Kryton Waterproofing University’s Parking Plaza in Guatemala

The Universidad de San Carlos (USAC) in Guatemala was founded January 31, 1676 by Royal order of Carlos II. It is the largest and oldest university in Guatemala, and the fourth founded in the...

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US companies turn focus to Green buildings

“Green Architecture” has been on the rise since the term’s initial use back in the 1990s. The past few years have seen the concept of “Green Building“ erupting through money saving and sustainability...

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Hydrophobic VS Hydrophilic

Most concrete structures are designed such that the water is intended to stay put – either on the inside, like with a reservoir, or on the outside, as with a basement.  Similar to a sponge, concrete...

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Sneaky Grains of Salt can wreak havoc

Tiny hairline cracks are inevitable when creating a new concrete structure. It’s the nature of the environment: the earth, and therefore the foundation, will probably move a little. So how do we plan...

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THE LAB TRIALTest for compatibility and make adjustments

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Hawaiian Report proves KIM is effective at preventing corrosion long term under real world conditions

A long-term corrosion study was conducted by Joshua Ropert, MS and Ian N. Robertson. Ph.D., S.E., Professorfrom theUniversity of Hawaii College of Engineering, for the Harbors Division of the...

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