Air Entrained Concrete

We've talked about entrapped air and its negative effects on a concrete mixture. Now let’s turn our attention to air that is purposefully incorporated into a durable concrete mixture; entrained air.

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Sustainable Concrete Building - Recycled Aggregate

Recycled aggregate is made from crushing concrete from demolished structures.
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Protection Against Major Flooding

As we move swiftly into the future, there are few places on the planet safe from flooding.

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Waterproofing Edmonds Community Centre

Inside Edmonds Community Centre during construction
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Comparing Concrete Durability Testing Methods

Absorption Tests


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Defining Durability

To have a more sustainable concrete structure, durability is key.

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Fast Corroding Sewage Pipes need a Better Solution

Sewage maintenance is one of the most expensive utilities a city operates. They are difficult to access for repair, due to the extra depth to which sewer lines must be installed to protect drinking...

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The Bigger Picture…

Port cities are often threatened by rising sea levels, storm surges and damaging winds. Sometimes these events are predicted, but cities are often caught unprepared. When constructing infrastructure,...

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Housing Tianjin's Fortune 500 Companies

The Fujian Mansion tower soars 28-stories in the heart of Tianjin’s lively business district.
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