How Big Is Water?

How BIG is water? An odd question perhaps, but when your business is concrete waterproofing, the answer is vital. Water molecules are extraordinarily tiny – it would take five million of them lined up side by side to equal the width of a human hair. If you enlarged a water molecule to the size of a ping pong ball then magnified a meter-long ruler to the same degree, the ruler would touch the moon.

This is why concrete is so difficult to waterproof – every pore, void or crack allows tiny water molecules in, but it also explains why crystalline concrete waterproofing is so effective. By filling the spaces between concrete particles and self-sealing small cracks, crystalline waterproofing eliminates the pathways that fluids would otherwise move through, turning concrete into a permanent waterproof barrier.

Read about our successful waterproofing projects.

Written by Jillian Turner

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