Regular Maintenance Protects and Preserves

With all concrete structures cracks can occur due to settling, seismic activity, extreme temperatures and even traffic. If ignored, cracks can leak, causing damage to the structure itself as well as...

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Repairing the Dammam Underpass in Saudi Arabia

The City of Dammam is an important commercial hub in Saudi Arabia. When one of the city’s principal road arteries, the Dammam Road underpass was experiencing cracking and leaking the city knew it...

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Effective Crack Prevention, Control and Repair Part 3

Part three in our series on Effective Crack Prevention, Control and Repair discusses Repairing Cracks. Check out our first two posts on Crack Prevention and Crack Control.

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Effective Crack Prevention, Control and Repair Part 1

There are three things that you can do about cracks: prevent, control or repair them. In our three-part series on Effective Crack Prevention, Control and Repair we look at the aforementioned three...

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Protecting Grain in Mexico

Ensenada International Terminal Grain Tunnel

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Protecting Mexico's Water Supply

Tanque Belenes, Guadalajara

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Plaza Carso, Mexico

Built and owned by the richest man in the world, Carlos Slim, Plaza Carso is a remarkable integrated plaza. The mixed-use project sits on a 50,000 square meters (538,195 square feet) site and...

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Sustainable Housing - 1005 Station Street, Vancouver

Vancouver has the bold new ambition to become the Greenest City in the Worldby 2020. To accomplish this, they have implemented various regulations surrounding infrastructure including the mandate...

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Sekolah Sukan Sabah

Sekolah Sukan Sabah is one of Malaysia’s first sports schools, designed to train potential Olympians in a single integrated facility. The state-of-the-art center features amenities for every...

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