Business in the Middle East

Doing business across the world has unique and challenging obstacles that must be overcome in order to be successful. Not to mention the fact that investing in a market you have not been in before is...

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Ocean Concrete’s Open House is a Family Affair!

Granville Island is one of the most iconic and tourist driven destinations in Vancouver, British Columbia. From amazing food, unique crafts, and stunning views, it is no wonder that parking is a...

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In Memory of Darrell Elliott

Over the past week, I’ve been thinking a lot about my pal Darrell Elliott who passed away last Saturday, April 4th. At first it was a friend who let me know last Thursday that Darrell was in a bad...

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LEED Professional Credential

The sustainability concept in the construction industry continues to grow as the consciousness of doing less damage to our planet affirms itself. This is why the LEED (Leadership in Environmental...

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Epoxy Injections: The Ugly Truth

Epoxy injections can be a 'hit and miss' process.
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Long Concrete Pour in Singapore

A couple of long concrete pours were done in Singapore over the past couple of months.

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The Importance of a Solid Foundation

It’s been a little while since I've touched on high-rise buildings and the importance that concrete plays in their successful constructing. There are many factors that need to be considered when...

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Are We Ready for Smart Cities?

A smart city is a developed urban area using ‘digital technology to enhance performance and well-being, to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage more effectively and actively with its...

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The Concrete Freeze/Thaw Cycle

The weather out here in Vancouver and the lower mainland is quite fantastic – I hiked in shorts and a t-shirt last weekend. Unfortunately, many places across the world are not experiencing such...

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